I am not ashamed to say that my most important item that I bring everywhere is my favorite stuffed animal. There is nothing more essential than bringing an important piece of home with you to university, no matter how far from home you are. Next, something that maybe isn’t the first thing you think about like a laptop or books, is a good pair of slippers. Unless you miraculously live with extremely tidy people and your room and hall gets cleaned every day, you will want something on your feet, there’s something very relaxing and comforting about a good pair of slippers, I recommend the UGG Dakota slippers. Don’t forget a good pair of headphones too! You will be amazed by how quickly you get annoyed with other peoples noise, AirPods are great for if you want to be able to move around and get things done but I also recommend getting some noise cancelling headphones, the AirPods Pro are meant to be noise cancelling but I cannot attest to their quality. Of course don’t forget that laptop and those books but don’t ever underestimate the importance of home comforts, it’s great to be able to decorate your room with photos of friends and family if you can and it will make your transition from home much easier!
What To Bring To University