On day five of quarantine we decided we were running precariously low on our cheese supply. A comfort food to most Europeans, everyone loves a cheeseboard with cured meat and a French baguette. Unfortunately my parents love it too and we are down to only English Cheddar. The one and only, King of Cheese grocers is Trader Joes in our area, even I cannot bring myself to pay the ludicrous price for some normal Brie at Whole Foods, a line has to be drawn somewhere unfortunately. The line into Trader Joes spanned the entire store and they seemed to only be letting two people in at a time, heartbreaking. At what point do you have to say no, not even I can put up with that. It is times like these that I miss the student favorite, Aldi, but that’s a story for another time. For now I’ll have to live with truffles on toast or maybe a foie gras sandwich.
Truffles On Toast